Best Colleges generally includes unique ranking lists—62 in last year’s 2021 Edition—that highlight specific ways in which schools stand out. For the 2022 Edition, because COVID-19 limited student access to on-campus offerings, we chose instead to include a special “Great Lists” feature that recognizes those schools that have frequently appeared on these lists in the past. We chose 26 of our annual ranking lists categories when making these lists, focusing on those areas that college applicants and their parents told us mattered to them. We are delighted to identify the schools that have earned distinction on these lists for decades. Our selection is based on a combination of factors including the total number of historical appearances on a list (including how recent the last appearance was), the numerical rank when included in previous lists, and the overall consistency of positive feedback from students in a given category.

We have left the following information, which pertained to the previous edition, to show how those ranking lists were normally put together.

See the full list here: