Once again, area roadways are becoming ragged and pocked with potholes as winter wears on. Lower Merion Township is reminding residents to report potholes to the “Pothole Hotline” established in 2010. The number is (610) 645-4782. During normal business hours, citizens should call the general Public Works number to report potholes and other road issues, at (610) 645-6150.
Residents can also fill out a Public Works Service Request form by clicking here.
Potholes are created when moisture seeps into the pavement, freezes, expands and then thaws. This weakens the pavement; traffic loosens it even more, and it eventually crumbles and pops out.
After each snow and ice event, Lower Merion Police and Public Works crews are marking particularly large or dangerous potholes throughout the Township with safety cones or barricades. The public’s help through use of the Pothole Hotline will expedite this process, said Don Cannon, Director of Public Works.
In addition, Pa. State Rep. Tim Briggs has established a link on his website enabling citizens to report potholes on State roads, such as Route 23 (Conshohocken State Road) and E. Wynnewood Road, by visiting http://www.pahouse.com/Briggs/
Potholes will be filled by priority of roads (primary or main roads first, for example) and severity and size of any given pothole. Rain will suspend pothole maintenance.