County: Philadelphia, Montgomery
Municipalities: City of Philadelphia, Lower Merion Township
State Route(s): U.S. Route 1
Local Name(s): City Avenue
Project Type: Bridge Rehabilitation
Last Updated: January 2025

This project will rehabilitate the existing City Avenue (U.S. 1) bridge over the SEPTA Cynwyd Regional Rail Line. The existing arch bridge was constructed in 1910 and the structure was widened in 1934. Rehabilitation includes repairs to the arch bridge and sidewalk structures, replacement of existing utility lines on the bridge, and replacement of the roadway, sidewalk, and protective barriers. In addition, existing retaining walls will be rehabilitated and extended. A new ADA ramp and stair system will be constructed to improve pedestrian access between City Avenue, SEPTA’s Bala Station, and the Parkside Cynwyd Trail.

The existing bridge is a reinforced concrete arch bridge with a clear span of 60 feet. The 13-foot wide sidewalks are supported by two steel plate girders. The bridge has a 50-foot curb-to-curb width and an 80-foot out-to-out width, four 11-foot 6-inch lanes, and a 4-foot median.

The project will be built under multiple stages, with two lanes of traffic in each direction maintained for the majority of the duration of construction. There will be several stages of work that reduce traffic to one lane in each direction. Access to adjacent businesses will be maintained at all times throughout construction. SEPTA’s Bala Station will remain open and train service will not be interrupted.

City Avenue Bridge Photo

City Avenue Photo

City Avenue Photo

Scope of Work

Rehabilitation of the City Avenue (U.S. 1) Bridge over SEPTA includes improvements to roadway drainage; construction of new ramp and stair structure for access to SEPTA’s Bala Station; construction of a new stair structure for access to the future Parkside Cynwyd Trail; construction of a new retaining wall along City Avenue (U.S. 1) adjacent to the bridge; upgrading of utilities currently running below the sidewalks on the bridge; and milling and asphalt overlay of the roadway.

Purpose and Need

The purpose of the project is to provide a safe and efficient crossing while meeting the long-term transportation needs in the project area. The need for the project is due to the existing bridge being in poor condition with areas of significant deterioration. The arch exhibits severe spalling due to the migration of roadway drainage through the structure at the gutter lines. The abutments exhibit severe spalling due to leaking deck joints at the ends of the bridge.

Traffic Impacts

There will be no detours for the project. Construction will be performed in stages, with the majority of the stages maintaining two lanes of traffic in each direction. For several shorter-term stages (4 -8 weeks each), traffic will be reduced to a single lane in each direction across the bridge.

Public Meeting 

PennDOT held a virtual public meeting on Thursday, August 10, 2023, for the project to rehabilitate the bridge carrying City Avenue (U.S. 1) over the SEPTA Cynwyd Regional Rail Line. To view a recording of the meeting, please click here.


Construction is financed with 80 percent federal and 20 percent state funds.


Contact Information

George Gumas
Project Manager


The project documents can be made available in alternative languages or formats if requested. If you need translation or interpretation services, have special needs, or have concerns that require individual attention, please contact the PennDOT Project Manager listed above.

Title VI

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