LOWER MERION TOWNSHIP, PA — Fifteen different sustainability proposals across Montgomery County will receive a total of $2.5 million in funding through the latest round of the Montco 2040 implementation grants, including a project in Lower Merion.
City Ave District and Lower Merion Township will receive $150,000 to expand the Indego bike share system.
Funds will help expand the existing bike share network established in Philadelphia to the Lower Merion portion of the City Avenue District.
In expanding the program, residents and employees will have increased mobility options.
The expansion will also reduce dependency on single-occupancy vehicles.
Lower Merion Township will work with City Avenue Special Services District and Bike Transit System to expand the existing bike share network.
In addition, other county projects on bike lanes, sidewalks, trails, traffic signals, and open space were awarded a range of support, from thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars.
“It is fantastic that we are able to contribute to successful projects across the County’s 62 municipalities,” Commissioner Ken Lawrence said in a statement. “I have seen so many finished projects in my travels around the county. From Ambler’s community garden to the recently completed Park to Perkiomen Trail in Upper Salford, there is a lot of enthusiasm behind assuring Montgomery County is a vibrant place to live.”
Winning projects support strategic goals of Montco 2040, which include connected communities, sustainable places, and vibrant economies. Projects that fell into the three “focus” areas for 2023, resiliency, downtown community support, and walking and biking infrastructure, were given special consideration.
A total of 127 grants totaling $15.2 million have been awarded since the program launched in 2016.